Jan 09, Kathmandu 1st national sports forum was conducted today in order to inform about the upcoming international sports in 2016 and various ways to make disciplinary improvements as well as the enhancements in various fields in Nepal sports.
Nepal Olympic Committee Organized a one day National Sports Forum which was inaugurated by Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ananda Prasad Pokharel, Minister Paudel said that sports being one of the main area for upbringing the national unity. Minister Paudel added, all the sport authorities are ready to work hand in hand with NOC to enhance the economic condition of the country by the means of Sports Tourism.In today's inauguration acting member secretary of National sports council Mr. Ganga Bahadur Thapa Magar requested all the sport organizations to follow the rules and regulations strictly.Similarly, CEO of Nepal Tourism Board Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi told that the sport sector will support in economic development of the Nation. Nepal Tourism Board is ready to work together to promote the sport sector. He added that tourism sector is willing to do partnership with sports sector.
President of Nepal Olympic Committee Mr. Jeevan Ram Shrestha spoke about how the NOC'S(National Olympic Committee) are following the charter of the International Olympic committee so we should also make our rules and regulations accordingly. He focused about the better management of the sports sector and that he is driven to take the sports towards professionalism and good governance. He also pointed out that there are some current rules and regulations that are out of confine which needs to be changed.
According to Ramhari Subedi, the member of Women, children and elderly citizen committee of parliament, the committee is working on to formulate required rules and laws to develop the sports scenario of the country. He also asked for suggestion regarding the matter in the program.
During the sports forum there were 26 associations affiliated with Nepal Olympic Committee. Various presentations were made like on Organizational Management by Management expert Dr. Bhola Dahal, on Financial management of Sports Associations by Chartered Accountant Umesh Dhakal , on Anti- Doping by Nepal Olympic Committee Dr. Nabish Singh Man Pradhan from Patan Hospital and briefing about the international games scenario and upcoming 12th South Asian Games by NOC/executive Secretary Sujan lal Shrestha.
The officials from different 26 sports association's President/Secretary Generals/Executive chief praised about the first Sports Forum and it will motivate and activate the affiliated sports associations. The program was conducted by the member of Olympic Committee, Samim Miya Ansari while the Secretary General Lama Tendi Sherpa had given the welcome speech.