July 20, 2014
Nepal Olympic Committee conducted and Youth's UNESCO Club jointly conducted 5 days conference collaboration with the Olympic Truce Peace Campaign Network held from 16-20 July 2014 at Nepal Olympic Building Satdobato, Lalitpur with the representative of different countries with the main theme " celebration of Olympism"
Seasonal workshops are also scheduled to be facilitated by a team of international facilitators from New Zealand, Netherlands and Jordan. These sessions will train, coach and inspire all participants of this forum in strategies and approaches which they can implement after the forum in their respective communities to promote peaceful coexistence. Furthermore, strategies and approaches as utilized and promoted by the Olympic Truce will be taught to further enhance peaceful coexistence as well as showcase how these approaches can be used to create platforms for increasing youth involvement, social enterprise and responsible citizenship.
The Olympic Truce Peace Campaign promotes sustainable Peace and development in different countries using sports, education, tourism, culture exchange and several other community activities, while ensuring there is true process of Truce leading to the Olympic Games in 2016 and beyond. The Olympics games was traditionally used as a means of preventing conflict and creating peace between nations at war, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and United Nations (UN) have transposed this ancient peace ethic to the modern Games. And in order to emphasize the importance of the Olympics tradition, a dozen youths from all over the world were trained by the UNESCO team in London during the Olympics (2012) in sev